Unité : Département de psychologie
Courriel :
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 3075
Local : SU-2675
Langues :
Français, Anglais
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Domaines d'expertise
Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales
Unités de recherche
Projets de recherche et/ou de recherche-création en cours
- (FRQSC) L'interface entre les fonctions exécutives et métacognitives dans le développement de la créativité
- (CRSH) Technique de rétroaction assistée par intelligence artificielle pour améliorer la créativité
- Fondements cognitifs et métacognitifs de la créativité chez l'enfant et l'adulte
- Seminaire interdisciplinaire en sciences cognitives (2025)
- Développement cognitif et métacognitif (2025, 2024, 2023)
- Méthode de recherche en psychologie (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
- Methodologie de la recherche en psychologie (2020)
Participation à l’édition d’une revue
Articles scientifiques
- de Chantal, P.-L. et Organisciak, P. (accepté). Automated Feedback and Creativity: On the Role of Metacognitive Monitoring in Divergent Thinking. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
- de Chantal, P.-L., Zielińska, A., Lebuda, I. et Karwowski, M. (accepté). How Do Examples Impact Divergent Thinking? The Interplay Between Associative and Executive Processes. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
- de Chantal, P.L., Chagnon, A., Cardinal, M., Faieta, J. et Guertin, A. (2022). Evidence of User-Expert Gaps in Health App Ratings and Implications for Practice. Frontiers in Digital Health, 4, article 765993.
- de Chantal, P.L. et Markovits, H. (2022). Reasoning outside the box: Divergent thinking is related to logical reasoning. Cognition, 224, article 105064.
- Markovits, H., de Chantal, P.L., Brisson, J., Dubé, E., Thompson, V. et Newman, I. (2021). Reasoning strategies predict use of very fast logical reasoning. Memory & Cognition, 49, 532–543.
- de Chantal, P.L., Gagnon-St-Pierre, E. et Markovits, H. (2020). Divergent Thinking Promotes Deductive Reasoning in Preschoolers. Child Development, 91(4), 1081–1097.
- de Chantal, P.L., Newman, I., Thompson, V. et Markovits, H. (2020). Who Resists Belief-biased Inferences? The Role of Individual Differences in Reasoning Strategies, Working Memory and Attentional Focus. Memory & Cognition, 48(4), 655–671.
- Markovits, H., de Chantal, P.L. et Brisson, J. (2019). Abstract reasoning and the interpretation of basic conditionals. Thinking & Reasoning, 25(1), 1–13.
- Markovits, H., de Chantal, P.L., Brisson, J. et Gagnon-St-Pierre, E. (2019). The development of fast and slow inferential responding: Evidence for a parallel development of rule-based and belief-based intuitions. Memory & Cognition, 47(6), 1188–1200.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J., de Chantal, P.L. et Singmann, H. (2018). Multiple layers of information processing in deductive reasoning: Combining dual strategy and dual-source approaches to reasoning. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(4), 394–405.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J., de Chantal, P.L. et Thompson, V. (2017). Interactions between inferential strategies and belief-bias. Memory & Cognition, 45(7), 1182–1192.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J. et de Chantal, P.L. (2017). Logical reasoning versus information processing in the dual-strategy model of reasoning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(1), 72–80.
- de Chantal, P.L. et Markovits, H. (2017). The capacity to generate alternative ideas is more important than inhibition for logical reasoning in preschool aged children. Memory & Cognition, 45(2), 208–220.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J., de Chantal, P.L. et Marion St-Onge, C. (2016). Elementary School Children Know a Logical Argument When They See One. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28(7), 877–883.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J. et de Chantal, P.L. (2016). How do pre-adolescent children interpret conditionals? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(6), 1907–1912.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J. et de Chantal, P.L. (2015). Additional evidence for a dual-strategy model of reasoning: Probabilistic reasoning is more invariant than reasoning about logical validity. Memory & Cognition, 43(8), 1208–1215.
- Markovits, H., Brisson, J. et de Chantal, P.L. (2015). Deductive updating is not Bayesian. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41(4), 949–956.
- de Chantal, P.L., Brisson, J. et Markovits, H. (2015). Raisonnement et créativité : une intégration de la pensée divergente au raisonnement conditionnel. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 36(1), 35–55.
- Brisson, J., de Chantal, P.L., Lortie Forgues, H. et Markovits, H. (2014). Belief Bias is Stronger When Reasoning is More Difficult. Thinking & Reasoning, 20(3), 385–403.
Chapitres de livre
- Markovits, H. et de Chantal, P.-L. (2020). The Semantic Retrieval Model and Divergent Thinking as Critical to Logical Reasoning in Children. Dans D. Fasko et F. Fair (dir.). Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Current Research, Theories, and Practice (p. 81–98). Brill.